Navigating Social Impact for Sustainable Development
SocialEssence is an African-based consultancy firm that specialises in Resettlement, Land Acquisition, Social Impact and Risk Assessment and Management.
Additionally, SocialEssence is a leading and distinguished organization that provides a full-range of social performance management services and tools to clients in the mining, renewable energy and infrastructure development sectors in Africa and Central Asia
Global Reach
SocialEssence has operated extensively across a diverse range of countries, including Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Panama, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Sudan, and Zambia. With its involvement across sectors like mining, resettlement, community development, and social impact assessments, Social Essence demonstrates a strong global footprint and influence across industries.
The company has played a key role in several high-profile international initiatives including, but not limited to:
- Conducting social due diligence processes in Nigeria
- Leading resettlement and community engagement projects in Zambia
- Performing risk assessments and community profiling for Glencore in Zambia
- Managing environmental and social governance projects for Barrick Gold in Tanzania
Our Services
Socio-Economic Assessments
- Socio-economic impact and risk assessments.
Policies, Plans, and Implementation
- Land acquisition and resettlement frameworks, livelihoods restoration, grave relocation, gender action, influx management, and vulnerable peoples' plans.
- Local content, community development, stakeholder engagement, and communication plans.
Social Performance Management
- Human rights, health, and cultural heritage impact assessments.
- Indigenous peoples' assessments and management.
Audits and Reviews
- Transaction due diligence, social compliance reviews, and monitoring of social impacts.
- Stakeholder engagement, grievance mechanisms, and conflict resolution.
Information Technology
- Survey software, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and custom database tools.
Capacity Building
- Training needs analysis, practitioner training, and mentorship.
Ready to enhance your social performance management?
Partner with SocialEssence for expert social performance consulting in mining, renewable energy, and infrastructure development across Africa and Central Asia.